Incursion for Durrumbul Public School
Thank you for being a part of the Plastic Free Boy movement! Help us and create future leaders of tomorrow.
‘Plastic Alarm’ features 11-year-old Arlian aka Plastic Free Boy sets out to inspire and educate kids and students around the world about the problems and solutions of plastic pollution. The film has been shown to over 790 000 students in Australia and overseas with the core message you are never too young or too small to make a difference. Our peer-to-peer education has shown great results in educating and inspiring students to reduce plastic waste as well as impacted with follow-up projects that have reduced waste from 20% -to 80%.
Before conducting this lesson with your students, please find time to watch the Plastic Free Boy documentary ‘Plastic Alarm’ as a class. It is a 22 min film inspiring kids to find solutions to the global plastic pollution problem and make a difference. A 12 min “Call to Action” video accompanies the documentary and Plastic Free Boy’s presentation at the 2020 Kids Teaching Kids Conference, will be made accessible as well.
The Australian Curriculum links for years 4-10 are provided for assessment purposes.
Some of the curriculum areas you can expect to cover include:
Mathematics (using data to create and interpret graphic representations)
English (persuasive text structure, language features, and creating of texts)
Science (using scientific knowledge to solve problems and inform decision making)
In addition to this, the following general capabilities are also addressed:
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
Creative and Critical Thinking
Personal and Social Capability
And, of course, the cross-curriculum priority of Sustainability.
It is intended to be completed over a 2-hour period, however, could easily be extended if time and student engagement allow! There is scope for passionate teachers and students to delve deeper into each section of the lesson and expand their understanding. There are also optional follow-up and home learning activities suggested. Throughout the lesson, we have provided options for teachers to select the most suitable choice for their class. Students also receive a Plastic Free Boy certificate as a ‘Plastic Free Boy – Change Maker’.
We offer an awesome transdisciplinary STEM follow-up lesson, which your students will find engaging, relevant, challenging, and significant. It gives them the opportunity to join Arlian’s mission and become ‘Plastic Free Boy – Change Makers’ to make them part of something big!
This lesson has been created as a follow-up to the ‘Plastic Alarm’ documentary. It is intended to further provoke students to think about their impact on our waterways and oceans and how they can lead others in changing their behavior. Students will feel empowered and understand why they need to change their behaviors and the impacts that their waste choices have on the environment, oceans, waterways, and our health.
We hope teachers can include them as ‘peer teachers’ during this lesson. The learning results, as well as empowerment of students through peer-to-peer education, is well documented. Therefore we hope for these ‘Change Makers’ to be included in leading their class in discussions, provide extra information where needed, and give feedback, wherever possible.
We offer the first 5 schools free access to the film ‘Plastic Alarm’ including the lesson resources and an opportunity to become the first ‘Plastic Free Boy – Change Makers’. Please contact us at and we will send you a code to access this from our platform.
Please contact us if you would like to book a personal zoom session with Arlian for your class/school or your family.
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