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Presentation Cost:

Full Change Maker Day Presentation/Workshop

Available 4-6 hours at your school:

$ 1,950.00 (Including travel costs)

Holiday Care Website Photo (3)
Copy of Plastic Free Boy Young Chnage Makers Day Schedule (1)
Changemaker Day at Schools
Our young changemaker schools
Untitled design (19)
SCEGGS Darlinghurst
Year 3 Class Teacher, Felicity Permezel:
"Thank you so much, Arlian, for joining our 3P last Monday to talk about the incredible work you do to protect our oceans and the wider environment.
I was so impressed with your knowledge and work and also your kind, patient, and engaging manner with the girls. The girls were all so engaged and I know you’ve inspired them to do what they can to join in your quest. I have started a conversation with our head of school about how we can support the work you do. 
To begin with, I am planning on organizing a 3P tree planting day."


Presentation Cost:

Full Change Maker Day Presentation/Workshop

Available 4-6 hours at your school:

$ 1,950.00 (Including travel costs)

18-year-old Arlian aka Plastic Free Boy has been on a mission for 7 years to inspire young generations In schools to make a difference!

Arlian’s input will unlock the student’s full potential in the design of their learning, and personal projects by sharing his journey.

Our full-day program fits the Australian Curriculum:

  • 1 assembly-style presentation to Primary and Workshop to Grade 5 or 6
  • 1 assembly-style presentation to Secondary school and workshop to Grade 10

Arlian shows his 7-year journey and shows what a passionate 11-year-old student can create as a global citizen in their community tackling global problems with local solutions one at a time. 

Arlian started his student agency project ‘Plastic Free Boy’, supported by his filmmaker mother, who has documented his learning experience from the age of 11 years old. He has been presenting his journey over the past 7 years to over 360 schools and shares his Change Maker program PLAN B - MEET THE FUTURE - Full of Solutions from Coral Reefs to Glaciers showcasing collaborations with local and global Organisations, Universities, Government, and Corporations to create positive Impact for Future Generations.

He has received International Awards and has been recognised on world stages as a plenary speaker for future generations.                             2019 Asia Pacific Cities and Mayor’s Forum 

IB Schools Changemaker Day Australia representation
School education with full power to students!
Arlian at Dresden International School
Screen Shot 2024-02-01 at 12.08.00 pm
Image of Changemaker workshop of SIS international school

Carla Marshall  CEO/Directo, Dresden International School 

"I hope that our teachers can take some of that enthusiasm that they see in him and be able to find ways for our students to experience agency in their learning."  



Anna-Marie Renes Yr 5 Teacher, Dresden International School

"Arlian was very engaging and the students loved listening to him. He did a fantastic job. I am a 5th-grade teacher and we have a PYP exhibition there is a big push for us to find a local connection that will impact the world globally, and that has been done. 

The presentation was exactly that and very relevant to what the kids are aiming to achieve."


James Elliot - PYP Coordinator, Grade 5 Teacher, Assistant Head of Primary School

Amadeus International School Vienna

Your work and activism supercharge our Grade 5 Students on their project about community and global Impacts. Your advocacy against plastic pollution is very inspiring and your stories and tips connect with students and excite them to take action."

Nora Ackerman, Student Council SIS Zürich International School

"After experiencing your presentation at the SIS Student Leadership Day, Thomas and I were truly inspired, and we believe it would be wonderful to share that inspiration and experience with our entire school community."


Alison Wright - Division Manager, Swiss International School

‘It was great to be surrounded by such enthusiasm, knowledge, and thoughtfulness at our SIS Student Leadership Day.’’


Collaboration with Businesses

Encouraging change in customer behavior to reduce single-use coffee cups. 

Filming our Involvement on a local level working with cafes and restaurants, and having conversations about how we can support them encourage their customers to bring reusable coffee cups. They started displaying my posters. Students who had seen me present at their schools also reminded their parents to bring their cups. Schools then initiated their posters in their communities. Local Action with Global Impact. 


Rainforest Rescue                                                Tree Planting/Habitat Restoration

Filming our involvement with Rainforest Rescue Organisation on a Community Tree Planting Day. Rainforests are a critical ecosystem for our planet. Rainforest filter our air and supplies half the oxygen we breathe. They also are in a symbiotic relationship with the largest ecosystem on the planet - The Great Barrier Reef. Being part of a community tree planting day provides a local solution with a global impact.


Vienna, Danube Cleanup

Filming the involvement of the public and organisations on a Danube Dive Clean Up, showcaing community lead action to students as part of solving problems on a local level with global imapact.


Palma Aquarium Turtle Rehabilitation

Filming my learning experience, interviewing Scientists about their important Conservation Projects, and collaborations with community groups and Universities i.e. how to get involved in Beach Clean Ups, reduce turtles, and find out about shark and sea horse breeding programs. I showed the films at local International Schools in Mallorca, involving them in local action with global Impact.

Daintree Rainforest                                      James Cook University Research Station

Filming our learning experience, collaborating with James Cook University promoting University programs, and engaging in learning activities such as civic science projects showcasing how students can create senior biology data in High School leading into University studies with purpose.



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